FREE East of England DATING

Step inside Lovething if you’re looking for a free dating experience in the East of England, as with us, you’ll never pay to date. That’s because we think it’s important to tell you about our pricing up front. And that’s easy...there is none!
We offer a free East of England dating service. That means we tell you it’s free, then charge you to send messages, or to read your messages. We throw all of that in for free. We offer the same service as our competition, but at no cost.
Join today, and start your free dating experience in the East of England.
East of England DATING Secure

We’re free, but we’re not cheap. We give you all the same security and safety promises as a paid dating site, and we deliver on them. Secure SSL, scammer detection and a dedicated customer care team ensure you can get on with finding new dates in the East of England, while we work hard to keep scammers and timewasters at bay.
So if you’re chatting with singles in Norwich, Ipswich, Colchester, or from anywhere in the East, you can rest assured that they’re genuine singles looking for similar things as you from Lovething.
We Hate Spam Too!

Nobody want to receive messages from people they’re not interested in. While we may get it wrong sometimes, we sift out the members we think you’re most likely to click with, bringing them to the top, and bringing you to the top of their search results. This means that you receive more messages from relevant singles. People with similar backgrounds, outlooks on life, and location.
You can also take matters into your own hands by using your Message Filter in settings. With this filter, you can expand or refine further who you want to receive messages from. We put you in control as much as we can.